Brothers and Sisters,
We are currently updating and refining the new site. As part of this process we are also updating our membership management system to serve you better. You will see some welcome changes including online membership management, payment, and access to the FOP!
We are in the process of adding all the current members to the new database, so you will be receiving emails with your new login/password to the membership area of the site, where you will be able to connect with us and fellow members via the site. Rest assured your information is being kept private and secure, and the only search-able info of you will be by other active members of Lodge #1 and will only display your name, agency, and email as a default, however you may change those parameters on your profile to not have any of it displayed.
We hope however this will allow our members the opportunity to stay connected with one another, network, and grow our great organization.
Please let us know if there is anything you think we can improve upon as we make this transition.
Brother Ebeling
State Trustee/Webmaster